Monday, October 29, 2012

Crusade in Africa

We are ready to take a nation for Christ. We need your help!
The Gospel is free but some has to pay the freight!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Africa Crusade

We are very excited to go to Africa en December to Preach the Gospel. Because of Security reasons we cannot yet give the name of the country. Please pray for the crusade on December 12-16th. We need your prayers and support. If you want to send an offering, write me at and I will send you that  information. We are believing for one million souls. Tickets are bought we are packing our bags. Jesus is Lord!

Friday, October 5, 2012

 On September 29th we had our second Love in Action Outreach. We gave away about 50 bags of food and lots of clothes. The most important part were the people who were touched by the Love of God. It is satisfying to see people respond to Gods love and grace!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We will be soon announcing the name of the country in Africa where we will be doing a mass crusade. Working with other evangelists our goal is to win one million souls for the Kingdom!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Amor en Accion / Love in Action

 A new project called Love in Action, Amor en Accion was started here in Saltillo. There are so many people who need help. Our church members donated food, clothes and other items to give to the needy. Over 60 bags of groceries were given to needy people. Most important were the people who were ministered to, prayed for and blessed by Gods presence.
If you would like to sow into this ministry, drop me a line and I will give details. Blessings!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Heart breaking

On a daily basis a missionary is hit by cries for help. The need in the world is so great. People needing more than a prayer as well wishes. People need help! If I were to keep track of the amount of finances that I give to people in need I´m sure I would be shocked. It is important for one to be sensitive to the real needs that are presented and to discern those who are out for a quick fix to their problems. I try not to have a hard heart towards the real needs. I understand that I cannot fix everybodies problems but the compassion of the Lord compels one to give. Missionaries don´t have abundance of finances. We use wisely what we have to administer. Compassion though is a powerful source. I hope that I will never lack in that area!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Radio Program

My desire to blog comes and goes. There are moments when I feel an inspired to write something and other times I wonder what is the use! In a way we are all called to be missionaries. We all live in our own little world and we touch lives in the place that we live. There are others though who leave their homeland to go to a place where there is a need for the Gospel message. When I arrived in Saltillo the first man I met told me about a spot at the radio station and offered to pay for the first two programs if I wanted to get involved. Since that day I have not missed a radio program. The gospel of Christ has been clear and lives have been touched through this effort. I meet people every week who listen to the programs and tell me how it has blessed their lives. Our church has grown as a result of the radio effort and our ministry is respected in Saltillo and beyond. I am blessed to be able to touch the lives of hurting people. Lives who need hope and faith to go forward. Thank you for praying for us and for believing in what we are doing for Christ. Blessings to you!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What a priviledge to dedicate Diana Zoeli this morning! The daughter of pastor Eli and Diana Lopez in Morelia. She is a blessing and will bring joy to many lives. May she grow to be a mighty woman of God.

Visiting Morelia, Michoacan

This weekend I am visiting Centro Internacional Agua Viva en Morelia Michoacan. I started this church about 20 yrs ago in Carmelitas home. Since then the group has grown and has touched thousands of lives under the leadership of Pastors Eli and Diana Lopez. Today I will be dedicating Eli´s baby girl in the morning service and ministering a conference on Healing and Deliverance in the evening. The Holy Spirit is moving in Mexico in the midst of violence. It is great to see a harvest of souls coming into the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ciudad Libre, Saltillo, Mexico / (City Free)

Saltillo had become one of the most violent cities in Mexico with shootings in the streets on a daily basis for weeks. The struggle between Drug Cartels to control territory began to impact the lives of the cities people. A student of Dayspring Christian University recieved from the Lord an idea that would change the spiritual atmoshere in the city. He went to rent the largest stadium in the city to invite the Christian community to come and pray. The first night 12,000 were in attendance and the second 15,000. As a result the violence as subsided in the city and life is normal again. What a privilege it was for me to    have a small part to intercede and excercise some spiritual warfare on behalf of this city.