Friday, July 23, 2010

Gospel is the power of God

Romanos 1:16 says "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes...." The Word has power to change lives, power to save and heal. When we are not ashamed of it and share it with lost people they have the opportunity to find life. Here in Saltillo, we closed off a street and shared the Gospel, on this night three people accepted Christ and were set free.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The love of Christ motivates us!

For some people it is dificult to know what motivates a person to be a missionary. Why would a person leave family, country, financial stability and comfort to go to a strange land. Paul the apostle figured it out when he said that the love of Christ constrains us or motivates us. It a compassion from the heart to see God change lives and bless people that drives us. Got a call from a lady who listens to our radio program. We stopped in to see her and found a confused and hurting lady beaten up by religion. Once the light of God´s Word is sown and love is imparted the cloud of confusion is lifted and life comes. It´s the joy of seeing a drunk set free, a drug addict delivered or a rich snooty, high society person finially find peace to the tormented heart. This is what makes the so called sacrifice worth it all. Its looking outside of oneself and seeing that what matters in life are the lives that are touched by ours. To see Jesus change a life makes it worth it all!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Just some thoughts on Missions

It´s the day after the 4th of July and living in a foreign country kinda takes the thrill and excitement from the holiday. In fact I didn´t realize it was the 4th until I read what my friends from the States were logging on Facebook. I listened to Ray Charles sing ¨America the Beautiful¨and tried to get into my patriotic spirit. I guess since we are pilgrims and foreigners in this planet, our devotion needs to be about God´s kingdom. Pride for ones country is valid, but how do we celebrate being citizens of Gods kingdom?
On another front, we took a couple of days to go to Morelia to visit Eli and speak at his church. What a blessing to see it grow from the conception in the front room of Eli´s mothers house. The church is growing and impacting the city and surronding area. The next day we had lunch with Pastor Moy and Linda in Irapuato where we started our first church. They are getting ready to open a Christian High School which will be the first in the city. They are packing out their auditorium every Sunday morning and have started a second service to accomadate the people.
Here in Saltillo our new church is starting to grow. It has been slow and a challenge of patience for me. The people here just don´t seem to understand how great of a guy I really am and that God has given me lots of wisdom and love for people. (LOL) Life on the mission field has its challenges. It would be great if folks back home would have the same passion and enthusiasm about missions as the missionary does. But God, the one who calls is the one who provides and meets every need. He is the Lord of the Harvest!