Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back to work!!

It was great so spend Thanksgiving with my brothers, sister, mom and family in Washington State. Now its time to get back to work. On December the 6th I was back in Mexico at the radio station doing my weekly program, I was blessed to be given an additional hour. Many folks called in with testimonies of how the Lord is healing and answering prayer. In the evening we did another healing conference in Saltillo. People came out from hearing the radio program and many received from the Lord. Next month I am beleiving to see weekly meetings start up to continue to reach people for the Lord. Your prayers and support are appreciated very much. Together we can make a difference in Saltillo.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Jungle Preacher

Ron Veach, the Jungle Preacher took the Gospel into areas where no one else would go. He traveled throughout Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and the Phillippines preaching to those in need of the Lord. He is the founder of "TrueVine Ministries" and has established churches and raised up local pastors. He had a heart for souls and was an intercessor. He will be missed but his legacy lives on. I couldn't of asked for a better example. He lived his life for others, loved my mom and was a great father. We will only know when we get to heaven the amount of souls that he impacted for Christ and how much the kingdom grew through his efforts.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Conference in Saltillo

What a good God we have. He really loves and wants to bless people. Through the radio program the invitation went out to come to hear the Word and see what God will do in their lives. In total about 80 showed up, 14 people accepted Jesus and there were multiple healings. God is good. A pastor heard about the meeting and offered to bring his praise team, what a blessing! Everything was provided! Next month we will have another conference and we are expecting for awesome things.
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Taking the Gospel over the Air!

What a blessing to be able to share the "Good News" with Saltillo, Co Mexico. This is live! People call in with their prayer requests and we pray over the air for them. In an hour we get several calls. We get their name and information so that we can follow up during the week. There are so many hurting people that need for someone to just care for them. We get calls for healing, deliverance, family issues and finances.
Please pray about helping to support this evangelist effort. Each one hour program costs $50.00. If you would like to help with this, you can deposit directly inot my account: Wells Fargo acct #5281116615 Patrick Veach.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Radio Program in Saltillo

Blessings to all of you who are keeping up with this "Faith Adventure." Every Sunday @7am I have a radio program here in the city of Saltillo. Saltillo has about 700,000 people and there are other small town in the surrounding area. So we have the potential of reaching close to a million people with this program. I really need your prayers for this and please stand with me in faith for finances to come in for this. My heart is to reach souls with the love of God. Thanks!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lacy's Baby Dedication

What a blessing to spend a day with Patricia and her
family on my last visit to Texas. This is Lacy's baby dedication service at Bandera Road Community Church. I am a blessed man with such a beautiful daughter and grand-kids.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

The Adventure continues....

On September 27, 2009 my adventure of faith took a big step. I was given the opportunity to start a radio program in Saltillo, Coa. This program is every Sunday morning for one hour. It covers all of the city of Saltillo as well as the surrounding areas. This is a step of faith as many are fearful to advance with the "Crisis" going on. I was reminded that in God's economy there is no crisis and never will be one. The Word says that "if we can believe all things are possible to him that believes." The name of the program is "Setting the captives Free." Thanks for your prayers for this project and if any one would like to sow into this outreach you may do so by making a deposit at Wells Fargo Bank acct # 5281116615. Sow into reaching Saltillo and see a harvest!

Monday, September 7, 2009

A seed sown will Grow!

In 1980 we started a church in Irapuato that has grown into a powerful congregation that is impacting the city, state, nation and world. What a joy to see the seed of God's word grow and change peoples lives. The service was filled with the presence of God. Life and freedom is contagious. With over 150 cell groups that meet every week in the city and surrounding towns, this congregation grows daily. The previous Thursday there were 3-400 men in the mens meeting!
What impresses me is the development of missions. Several couples including the pastors daughter and son in-law are sent to Oaxaca to reach villages that have not yet heard the gospel. The heart of this church is to send missionaries into the 10/40 window and reach the lost.
Pastor Moises and Linda have compassion for souls and are raising up a congregation that is impacting the nations.
What a blessing to see a dozen or so people accept Christ into their lives. This is what going is all about!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saying good bye

It is time to wrap up my stay here in Morelia, pastor Eli is back in the saddle and is ready to go at it again. There is a cell meeting that went to every Friday in a colonia on the opposite side of the city. It has been wonderful to see the group grow to about 20 each friday. Sometimes a missionary shares and prays for people without knowing what if anything is going on until it is time to say "goodbye" and people begin to say what your life means to them. I heard stories of lives being touched, bodies healed and circumstances changed since my weekly visit with them. It brought tears to my eyes knowing that this is the reason for living, bringing God's kingdom and love to needy people. Last night was time to say "goodbye" to my new friends in Mariano Escobedo. Pure joy to see the smiles on their faces, joy in their hearts and the presence of God on their lives. Jesus said, "I am with you always even unto the end of the earth." Sometimes we don't know the difference we make in someones life until it is time to say "Goodbye."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Men's Encounter in Morelia

What a joy to serve these men and see God work in their lives! Wounds and hurt developed over a lifetime were healed and removed by God's wonderful love. These mens hearts were touched and they will never be the same.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ministry at Mariano Escobedo

Missionary work involves lots of seed sowing. Kids are the best soil to sow into.

Putting a smile on a childs face makes my day! Sometimes I wonder what goes on in their little brain. For the most part they are shy and its lots of work to get them to participate

The sower sows the seed of Gods Word. Its the seed sown that brings the harvest. The seed contains life, healing, prosperity and salvation.

The seed is sown into the hearts of man. It is the power of God and it changes lives.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day at the Zoo!

AS you can see by these faces that these boys aren't very excited to visit their cousins. On the way to the zoo, I told them that we were going to visit cousins, Caleb the youngest said, "my cousins don't live here." Just wait, I responded, you will see. Spending time with pastors kids is a great investment of time and energy. The next generation of great men of God are in the formation period. Missionary work is divirse and seeds are sown in many different types of soil. Lord, let the seed grow!!
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Friday, August 7, 2009

God is good!

I have been here in Morelia for a few weeks now filling in for pastor Eli while he recovers from surgery. He is doing well and should be back in the saddle soon. In the mean time it has been good to minister here in the church and to be involved sharing in Cell meetings and Missions. I have been back on the field for four months now and I am amazed at God's goodness and faithfulness. He is an awesome God and what a joy to be used by him. He is a God of second chances. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Family Store

In Mariano Escobedo at the entrance to our meeting place you will walk by this candy store. Profits are minimal and brings in enough to buy beans and rice. The Lord though is blessing this ederly lady for allowing us to come and share the Word with the community. There are so many ways to SERVE!
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Friday's meeting place

You can see the red chairs in the background where the people sit. Recently we have been meeting with light rain falling. This is Mariano Escobedo a fishing village about 30 minutes outside of Morelia. Most of the folks here do not know how to read. The method of teaching has to be modified. Every week though folks are memorizing verses and getting aquainted with the Lord. When you answer the call to "Go", you might find yourself serving in a place like this with some of the best people on earth. What a joy it is to serve!
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wedding Irapuato

This is pastor Moises walking down the isle with one of his daughters, Libna. She and her husband are missionaries to Oaxaca working among the unreached people in the mountain region. Moises is doing a wonderful work at a church we started in October of 1991. It now has an attendance of 1500 or so, who's counting, right? They tied the knot July 25th. Blessings to them!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pictures & Encouragement

This is my dilema, when I am out ministering I take my camera with me, what I need is someone who can take pictures of the event. Some of my volunteers are great! Others have no idea! Maybe someday I will have someone who can take lots of pics so that I can post them. Thanks for checking in on the blog, sometimes I wonder if it is a act of futility. It's my effort here and on facebook to keep people posted. It means so much to get a brief message from friends. Thanks for your prayers and support!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Three weddings in three days! Party, party, party!! Yesterday in Sundays service, four people accepted Jesus! This is what its all about, reaching the lost and making disciples. Pondering and thinking about what really matters in life I find comfort in the words of Jesus, "Lay not up for yourselves treasure on earth but rather lay up treasures in heaven..." James said that our life is just a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. We only have one chance, need to make the most out of it! Thanks for your prayers and support.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mexican soldiers stand guard in front of a house while being raided in Morelia. It is tense here after the "familia" killed 12 federal police earlier in the month. Thanks for your prayers and pray for God to move mightily here in Morelia.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cell meeting

This is a group of folks that are meeting weekly for bible study and fellowship. They are all new beleivers and have a hunger for the Lord. Today, Sunday, 8 people were accepted Christ into their lives here in Morelia. It is so good to see souls come to the Lord. I will be here in Morelia for several weeks helping out. Please pray for me, as you know there is a conflict brewing here and lives are being lost. Now is the time for Morelia, thanks for your prayers.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Mexico City

What a blessing to be in the largest city in the world! There is hunger in the people of Mexico to hear the Word of God. In the past years I have done many events with pastor Arturo Farela mostly with Indian groups in the mountains. It was good to see him again and to share in his congregation.

In the time of crisis many understand that their only hope is in the Lord. He is the source of everything we need. Gods loving kindness is given to all that ask for it

After service I was treated to a tasty meal prepared by churh ladies. Buen provecho!

Sunday evening I ministered in another church in Mexico City. Pastor Moises was kind to have me. Again the love of the Lord was poured out upon all that were present. God is so good!
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Ocotlan, Jalisco

This is Chapala Lake in the State of Jalisco. It is about an hour from Guadalajara. This pic was taken on the back side of the church building. I thought of Jesus, teaching along the lake shore. There were about 100 in attendance and a sweet presence of the Lord.
Part of the challenge is to find someone to takes pics for me while I am ministering, this day I couldn't find anyone so pics are limited. These girls are enjoying a snack after service. Next sunday I will be in Mexico City.
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Friday, July 3, 2009


For your information there are two different ways to help support this ministry in Mexico. If you need a tax receipt, you may send your check to Grace Memorial Church 3240 FM 725 New Braufels TX 78130 and put Mexico in the memo line. Or you may make a direct deposit in any Wells Fargo Bank Account number (I will post a new acct # soon). This is a faith ministry and your prayers and support are appreciated. May the Lord Bless you richly!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cuernavaca, Morelos

Cuernavaca is known as the City of Eternal Spring. The climate is almost perfect year around. It is one hour south of Mexico City and is a beautiful place. Pastor Guillermo and Paty Lopez have been working here for several years and their congregation is growing.
Part of my calling is to encourage pastors. Here in this picture, several of the congregation members are surrounding their pastors and are praying for them. It's so nice to see a congregation loving on their pastors.
Don't get me mixed with Elvis, I do like from time to time to play with the band and get some hands clapping and feet stomping. I think some were evening dancing, oh my!
This young man is Fernando, he came for the first time and accepted Christ into his heart. This absolutely fills my heart with joy and makes it all worth while. There are angels rejoicing in the heavens to see a sinner come to Jesus.
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Monday, June 22, 2009

One more pic

This is Eli junior playing his role in a drama. Awesome to see children serving the Lord as well. Thanks for your prayers and support. Next week I will be in Cuernavaca ministering with my friend Memo Lopez.
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Morelia 13th Aniversary

Hard to beleive that 13 years ago I started a cell meeting in Morelia. Eli Lopez was a drug addict and a drunk when he accepted Christ into his life. He now is the pastor of this thriving congregation.
Folks come to this church looking for hope and help from the Lord. I met several young people who have been delivered from Drugs and are now serving the Lord.
David said, " I will look to the hills from where my help comes from, my help comes from the Lord...." Jesus is the miracle worker and knows how to meet every need. His power is available to all who come to him.
Sunday evening was the aniversay party. These young people did an dramatic presentation that shook the house. This is a very non-traditional life changing church that attracts young people to Christ.
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mariano Escobedo, Mexico

Mariano Escobedo is a fishing town outside of Morelia. The people here work hard to make a living. There are many needs in this area. Thank God that Jesus is the specialist for all kinds of needs.

It is always good to give the Lord thanks for his wonderful deeds and works.

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith releases God's blessings in our lives.

One of the healings! Several others experienced life, power and love. Thanks for your prayers and support. This is a faith ministry with the backing from on high!